Disapproving as he was, he still seems to have found vicarious excitement in talking weapons.
The group stayed for hours, comparing observations, discussing recent articles in astronomy magazines, sharing the vicarious excitement of traveling through space.
Near tears with vicarious excitement, Jody gripped Cybil's hand.
A little vicarious excitement had brightened Marion's spirits better than comfort and kind words.
War as a cartoon battle between good guys and monsters more easily satisfies a taste for vicarious excitement after all.
Right now, this assassin is something novel in the lives of your people-a vicarious excitement, a break in their monotony.
He had listened to warriors boasting of conquest and rape, and like many youths felt a certain vicarious excitement.
One of the first things to become apparent over the past few days is that real war, unlike movie war, is no source of vicarious excitement.
Melissa entered the bedroom, flushed with vicarious excitement and a touch of resentment.
I can use a little vicarious excitement.