It had a disgusting smell, dirty habits and a vicious temper.
One of Satoshi's henchmen with a vicious and sadistic temper.
Duthbert Mortmain did not show his vicious temper until the following spring.
Her husband, Philip, drinks, is insanely jealous and has a vicious temper.
Dolores Pinero had a vicious temper, and she took her vengeance out on the child.
She kicked out at him in a vicious temper, her feet cracking into his ribs, leaving deep purple bruises.
He has a vicious temper, and fights often with his wife, leading to instances of domestic violence.
While Jake portrays himself as an easygoing man out for a good time, he has a vicious temper when drinking.
Don't get him mad at you; he has a vicious temper.