The fight was stopped in the third round after a vicious uppercut knocked out dos Anjos.
A vicious left uppercut immobilized Cooney, and Foreman drove him to the canvas with a right.
Holyfield landed brutal power shots, culminated by repeated vicious uppercuts that would snap Cooper's head back.
The woman swung again, a vicious uppercut that snapped Buddy upright and back into the wall.
When he landed a vicious left uppercut, the referee, Richard Steele, moved toward the fighters, apparently to stop the fight.
Over the last few days, Knoblauch appears almost to be leaping at the ball with a vicious uppercut.
And they can't replace the satisfaction of using all your digits in perfect concert to release a vicious flying uppercut or flash-freeze a nearby vehicle.
This was stopped short when Gomi delivered a vicious uppercut that knocked out Pulver 6:29 into the first round.
With a vicious uppercut, he dispatched one defender, then skewered another one on his point.
A vicious uppercut to the jaw sent his challenger reeling back, both arms flung out wide.