It is also described that she has "vicious wounds crisscrossing her slight form", but failing to mention if they are death wounds.
One man ran up to the cart with a sharpened stick, stabbing the monk hard in the belly, opening a vicious wound.
Soleta was clutching at her right shoulder, green blood spreading from a vicious wound.
A weapon favored by assassins, which leaves a particularly vicious wound.
His clothes were in tatters, his skin mottled and seeping from dozens of vicious wounds.
Drizzt didn't help with the digging, for his vicious wound was far from healed, but he watched it, every moment.
Remembering the vicious wound inflicted on Laila, Sianna's stomach lurched.
At a military field hospital, a group of soldiers bring in one of their own, wounded by a large, vicious, bite-like wound, along with a large box.
There was a vicious wound on the lad's throat, long scars of red tender skin all knotted up.
Blood poured from the vicious wounds on her right hand, and her neck was mottled and swollen around the paper thin cut.