The victim, Mohammed Mused, confronted the shoplifter about 10 p.m., the police said yesterday, and the would-be thief fled empty-handed.
The victim confronted the gunman, who stole the man's wallet before shooting him and fleeing.
He slashed his next victim on the arm, but whether that victim had confronted the assailant or was trying to escape was unclear.
As the predominantly black victims confronted their tormenters face to face in the courtroom, many broke down, recalling atrocities, kidnappings and the disappearance of loved ones.
Monday was the first time victims or their family members could confront Mr. Rudolph directly.
At the hearings, victims of human rights abuse during Apartheid confronted the perpetrators in court, both sides seeking "ubuntu," or forgiveness instead of revenge.
That's why I can also confirm today that there will be additional money provided to ensure that victims, if they want, can face and confront their offenders too.
And while the victims of racism confront different circumstances than its beneficiaries do, that is not sufficient reason to establish a race-based jobs policy.
Islamic fundamentalists might conclude that they are well on the road to winning that war when its victims do not confront the fundamental cause of the problem.
Not a "perfect victim," the filmmaker confronts her attacker, recording the conversation with a hidden camera.