But 50 percent of misdemeanor cases are dropped because the victims will not cooperate.
I said, "You know, they say that rape isn't really possible unless the victim cooperates.
Spokesmen for several of the people on the list declined to comment or would say only that the victims were cooperating with the police.
Whether the victims cooperate or not, the police are eager to use their new tool.
"Well, what do real pirates do when the victim won't cooperate?"
In many of the rest of the shootings, the police said, the victims did not cooperate with investigators.
The police could supply little information about the shooting yesterday, saying the victims were not cooperating with investigators.
In another 20 percent, the victims would not cooperate.
The authorities dropped an investigation in 1989 after those described as victims would not cooperate.
If the victim will not cooperate, circumstantial evidence like police reports, telephone records, photographs have to make a case.