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"It would be ironic indeed if the presence of the image of the victorious athlete would deny the work First Amendment protection."
In ancient Greece, a wreath of laurel or olive was awarded to victorious athletes and later poets.
Colonel Hudson walked cautiously at first, then he began to trot like a victorious athlete toward the waiting Cobra.
Despite the changes, and celebrations by the victorious athletes, Kumaritashvili's death overshadowed the race.
In Greek culture, the phyllobolia was the showering of a victorious athlete or bridal couple with leaves or flower petals.
For winning teams, state tournament schedules have pushed play deep into November, which can cause victorious athletes to miss preseason for their winter sport.
He looked as drained and blissful as a victorious athlete.
The victorious athletes were honored, feted, and praised.
Ms. Wood throws her arms overhead like a victorious athlete, then shouts, "Am I too loud?"
He wrote odes to celebrate victorious athletes.