It was a victorious outcome of a unity between the three races.
To celebrate the victorious outcome, Sandy begged Tom and Bud to take her and Phyl up for a cruise in the Cosmic Sailer.
The victorious outcome of this campaign probably resulted, in part, from the increased discipline the Byzantine forces showed due to the quality of their commanders.
The paintings show the story of a single battle and its victorious outcome.
"Apocalyptic thinking helps the believing community by locating its problems in a transcendental or mythic context in which a victorious outcome is assured," he says.
In the British Army, battle honours are awarded to regiments that have seen active service in a significant engagement or campaign, generally with a victorious outcome.
The victorious outcome for people power in the Soviet Union encourages those of us in Burma whose dreams were crushed by the power of guns three years ago.
After the victorious outcome of the battle, Venice honoured Schulenburg and the Corfiotes for successfully defending the island.
Even last fall, the White House was dividing its strategy into a series of victorious outcomes, with the short-term goal of an Iraq "making steady progress in fighting terrorists."
Although, her self-described style was "skylarks and daffodils," her postmodern voice addressed both human suffering and a transcendent victorious outcome.