The video component of the opening with most recent theme song was used for seasons five and six.
Dodd leaned over his stack of video components and hit the main power button.
Dodd tromped angrily over to the video components and turned them back on.
He bend over the video components and turned off the power.
Averting his eyes he walked to the video components and, instead of turning it off, he changed the channel.
The Ritz was the first nightclub to feature a video component, which soon set a trend.
The video component includes an effect that makes audiences seem to disappear, presumably after buying their tickets.
Because there was no video component, Picard glanced upward at the speakers in the ceiling.
Recently he has added a video component to his improvisational performances.
These "channels" deliver games with complex video components by reserving a line on the Internet for game commands.