They are the largest video distributor of silent films, including a great many from the early days of cinema (before 1914).
The network has since expanded to more than 20 video distributors throughout North America.
Rainbow's cable networks have not had a video distributor.
The movie in its original form was first issued on tape in 1979 by Magnetic, one of the first video distributors.
NBC said it had become one of the largest and most successful video distributors.
They were never a film production company, just a video distributor.
To meet the constant demand, the studios and video distributors are beginning to provide big titles more quickly than they used to.
There are even rumors of a videotape of the visit's highlights, to be sold by Japan's largest video distributor.
In 2004 the board was also challenged by pornographic video distributors to award 18 certificates to material otherwise falling under the R18 guidelines.
"A major monster nationwide," said one video distributor.