Shall I move these spirits and video star out the way then?
Virginia Heffernan evaluates the competing claims for an online video star, lonelygirl15, in her blog at
Some of his accomplishments have included being an author, a video star, a pool room proprietor, a manufacturer's representative, and an exhibition player.
Turner wiped his mouth, opened his eyes, and looked up at the glossy poster of the ancient video star.
He looked at the access panel just to the right of the old poster of the video star he didn't recognize.
And she recently added video star to her resume with Dance to This, a short Bravo!
It was harder than anyone knew, being the most promising young video star of 1983.
Even African pop has its video stars, and Yondo Sister is one of them.
Vasily Malik was handsome enough to be a video star.
But perhaps the most unexpected online video star was Her Majesty the Queen.