Analysts differ on how long it will be before such video-on-demand services are widely available.
But there are people who care deeply about pay-per-view and video-on-demand services: the cable companies.
As with other video-on-demand services, most of the rental fee is paid to the studios.
The next tier, with three premium channels and associated video-on-demand services, is $69.95.
After years of failed promises, the cable industry is beginning to deliver reliable and economical video-on-demand services.
In addition, Comcast will offer the movies through its video-on-demand service.
It is also beginning to offer video-on-demand services, where users can choose from a menu of movies at any time.
The film was first publicly released exclusively through video-on-demand services in the United States.
Data caps that their video-on-demand services don't count toward, I might add.
Here, it is a question of analysing the conditions for the emergence in Europe of new video-on-demand services.