The last time a message from Mr. bin Laden referred to the attacks was in a rambling videotaped conversation with a Saudi sheik televised Dec. 15, 2001.
In a separate experiment where videotaped conversations between men and women were rated by independent observers, self-enhancing individuals were more likely to show socially problematic behaviors such as hostility or irritability.
The best-known of these pieces, "Still/Here," made its debut in 1994, using videotaped conversations he had conducted with people battling terminal illness.
The pairs of students participated in two sessions of videotaped, 20-minute conversations, spaced one week apart.
In a videotaped conversation, Sergeant Richardson told the undercover agent that he had been mistreated by the Army and his supervisors.
Two weeks ago, Mr. Espada released a secretly videotaped conversation that took place on May 23 between his son and State Senator David Rosado.
The Croatian leadership, including the main "actors" themselves, initially quickly dismissed the tapes as fake, claiming that the presumably innocuous videotaped conversations were subsequently dubbed.
Amid the evidence presented against Mr. Trofimoff at trial were six hours of videotaped conversations between him and an F.B.I. agent posing as a Russian diplomat working for the K.G.B.
The accusations were followed with videotaped conversations on Geraldo Rivera's television program between Patricia Cochran, who said she was Mr. Cochran's longtime mistress, and Mr. Cochran's former wife Barbara Berry.