At BT he ran the world's first commercial videotex service, Prestel, the precursor to the Internet.
While the initial viewing indicates that Trintex has made several improvements over earlier videotex services, it still has some similarities of the earlier ventures, industry analysts said.
It recognised four baseline profiles (with conformance criteria set out in Annex C) based on existing videotex services:
The principal guest, the publisher of an international videotex service, is explaining how he will install his system in Czechoslovakia with American money.
The company hopes to gain new leverage from its Prodigy Services, a videotex service that is a joint venture with Sears, Roebuck & Company.
From the installation of the software and modem to the way the menus look on the screen, everything about Prodigy has been greatly simplified from previous videotex services.
Phone companies already provide billing for audio information services, such as Dial-a-Joke, and doing the same for videotex services would seem a natural extension.
Unlike the modern Internet, traditional videotex services were highly centralized.
The first attempts at a general-purpose videotex service were created in the United Kingdom in the late 1960s.
None were videotex services, nor did they use the fixed frame-by-frame videotex model for content.