He was opposed by African nationalists as well, many of whom viewed Christianity as belonging to Western culture.
Hitler wanted National Socialism imposed as a new global religion and viewed Christianity as a hindrance to his plans.
(Southern Christians, of course, tried to view Christianity as compatible with slavery.)
Hitler viewed traditional Christianity as a corruption of the original ideas of Jesus by the Apostle Paul.
In his view, there is no contradiction between these, and he views Christianity as the natural outcome of man's evolutionary progress.
The passage suggests that in the mid-first century the Romans still viewed Christianity as a Jewish sect.
The player can view their chivalry, Christianity, and honor levels, and their progress in obtaining the next level in each of them.
There was also strong evidence that the Communist Party leadership viewed Christianity as a tool of western countries to undermine the Communist political system.
He views Christianity as an opiate of the black masses.
He viewed Christianity not solely as a set of ethical teachings but as one which can be perceived and understood exclusively through special revelation.