They view God as the Father, an invisible spirit "person" separate from the Son, Jesus Christ.
This is still the primary way that most Orthodox and many non-Orthodox Jews view God.
I guess I always worshipped a more feminine force in my life and I didn't view God as having a particular gender.
Viewing God as a "myth"
Martin Luther viewed God's grace (and therefore God's holiness), as an invasion of the life.
She was a True Believer who viewed the world "as a conflict between light and darkness, God and the Devil."
It will make a difference to our world-view, to the way we see people, to the way we view God.
It could effect a dislocation between the way a Muslim viewed God and the way he regarded other matters.
High energy and low energy people simply view the world and God in much different ways.
In the 18th century, many deists viewed God merely as an abstract and impersonal creator of the universe, which they likened to a giant machine.