- Ms. Johnson expressed a view widely echoed in numerous interviews with parents and in opinion polls across the city.
To my eye, these two intimate views echoed Sarfati's portraits of the four women in her recently completed body of work "She."
His view echoed one heard increasingly here: that sanctions could be a first step toward a new American-led military conflict in the Middle East.
His view echoed wider Japanese industrial insecurity about China.
Mr. Lewis's views echoed those of many black voters and officials interviewed across the South recently.
On the financing question, though, his views echo those of many of the thousands of industrialists and politicians caught up in the system.
Calvin took a literal interpretation of ch.1, but allegorical view of chapter 2, a position echoed by some modern interpreters.
A view echoed by Lord Hunt who had made the original recommendation for the formation of the force.
Pearson's derisory views echoed those of most of the country's leading cultural opinion makers.
That view has echoed through the bank's ranks.