The same view, though seen from a greater distance, had inspired Charles Kettle in the 1840s.
Thomas's views both reflect and inspire the Tea Party movement, which his wife has helped lead almost since its inception.
Hardly the views to inspire confidence in the objectivity of a witness.
Still, the view from the top of the stairs inspired him to reshoot the scene without the dog.
Here the climate is mild and the view of the mountains inspires one to think of God.
The view out of his kitchen window onto the 24-hour truck traffic inspired us to produce bags from used tarps.
These views do not in themselves inspire vehement reactions.
They say that the view from the hill inspires one's mind, and the souls of all those who have come before bolster one's spirit.
Ken is passionate about building a more accessible Edmonton and his optimistic view on life has inspired many other people with disabilities.
No matter how much the view inspired them, what brought the artist and the immigrant to this hill was love.