Bunglawala's views as media secretary for the Muslim Council of Britain are often quoted in the press.
Temerko's views on the energy market and the Russian economy are frequently quoted in the media, for example in the Financial Times.
Mr. Nad often testified before Congress on tax policy issues, and his views were widely quoted.
Gopal's views on the Taliban have been quoted in several books.
His views on the nature of the gods are quoted by Philodemus.
Although he was a provocative thinker then, Sullivan's views are quoted now with increasing regularity.
Adam Smith's view of the great significance of transport developments in increasing the wealth of the nation has been much quoted.
His views are quoted in newspapers and magazines, and he has made appearances on real estate talk shows.
That view was quoted in the Daily Mail in September last year.
He was an early author on legal concepts of territorial waters, whose views were quoted long afterwards.