Upon Collins debut in Coronation Street, viewers criticised her northern accent.
His own viewers criticized him for that advice, as did other clergymen who were dismayed to hear this after all of Robertson's talk about the sanctity of marriage.
Some American viewers have simply criticized the movie for failing to develop its Japanese characters.
In 2000 in Ireland, some viewers criticized the Radio Telefís Éireann for running Striptease.
However, viewers criticized the fact that the show's characters, other than Bea and Ben, showed signs of being stereotypes.
Some viewers have criticized Country Fried Planet for showing video clips involving cruelty to animals.
Many viewers criticize the film for the acting, believability of the plot, and the dialogue.
Many viewers however criticise the lack of radicalism within his built works.
Some viewers criticized the graphic nudity seen in the pilot, especially in the US.
Several viewers criticized the season 10 (2006) episode "Hell on Earth 2006" for its depiction of Steve Irwin with a stingray stuck in his chest.