While he finds "The Final Ending" interesting enough to keep the viewer engaged, he also criticized the series as a whole.
Full Circle allows viewers to engage intimately in the appropriated, reshaped culture.
The viewer engages the minimalist work, not as an autonomous art object, but as a theatrical interaction.
The network asked viewers to send in photos of them engaged in "extreme" activities while flashing their "V".
This programme invites the viewers to engage in lively debate on international political issues.
The initial reels have lighter moments that keep the viewers engaged.
The characters are meant to be relevant, regardless of whether or not the viewer engages in similar activities.
For instance, viewers can send E-mail to actors and directors, and engage in occasional on-line discussions.
The director uses all means to his disposal to keep the viewer engaged and interested in the life of the main protagonist, Nemo Nobody.
Ms. O'Connor then adds these pieces to a traveling installation that allows other viewers to engage in the process.