Research also showed that many viewers who ignored the show based on its name actually enjoyed it after seeing a screening of an episode.
We spend over £1bn a year so viewers can enjoy the movies and sports coverage they expect," he added.
In the end, this is still the queen of mean that most viewers will enjoy hissing.
No one is knowledgeable enough not to learn from it, and most viewers will enjoy the process.
But viewers can relax and enjoy; these fiery origins are in the past.
Lately, though, the enormous popularity of reality television has demonstrated that viewers enjoy watching people like themselves.
But the idea still works because viewers enjoy feeling like insiders, even when they know that's an illusion.
While skeptics might ask why viewers do not just pull the plug and enjoy life more, fans say that misses the point.
So it should hardly be surprising that viewers can enjoy reality shows without believing they are real.
We have decided to undergo this change in hopes that viewers can just enjoy the music.