It offers access to a number of shows which viewers may have missed first time around.
By the end, viewers will miss their onscreen friends.
Although viewers will miss her I don't think anyone is bigger than the show, it doesn't matter who comes or who goes.
Only minutes after watching, the typical viewer missed 23 to 36 percent of the questions about what he or she had seen.
The viewer may miss the point of some of his jokes, but they should still evoke a laugh or two.
But he suspected that, as in the fanciful show of hands, most viewers would not miss a thing.
Somehow, at this late stage, the filmmakers think it's possible that viewers might have missed their point.
The recorded program was very popular, but American viewers missed the opportunity to call in and ask their own questions.
Some visuals go by so fast that an inattentive viewer could miss them.
If viewers miss a scheduled program, they must wait and hope for it to show up again.