The viewer looks a little, reads a label, says "I get it" and shuffles on.
Or does he draw the letter so that the viewer can read it?
That may depend on how well the viewer reads images.
I am sure that it will encourage viewers to read or ew-visit the book for themselves which will surely be a good thing?
Yet a viewer can read a sinuous swan entwined around what looks like an open flower.
This is an intuitive way of working, requiring both the artist and the viewer to read meaning into the results.
The viewer may read the time by seeing what number his time zone's arrow is currently pointing to.
Wall texts prompt viewers to read almost everything in relation to the Israeli experience, and one begins to long for more freely imaginative spaces.
Through these pipes the viewer can read the clock on the Williamsburg Bank more than a mile away.
The segment is announced in advance so that viewers or listeners may read the book prior to the broadcast discussion.