Also, one of the paintings with a bunch of forlorn flowers is called "The Great Dictator," and viewers might recall Chaplin's farce.
Buried in the mesmerizing effect is an edgy concern: are viewers recalling accumulated experiences or are they losing an anchor to everything except the absorbing, powerful moment?
The commercial, in which the bearded singer plays a reluctant pitchman for a make-believe shaving cream named Smoothie, worked whether or not viewers recalled his real-life tax troubles.
"Your viewers will recall that the Enterprise returned from its historic five-year mission early last year," Rogers droned on.
Most viewers will recall the chronological discontinuity at the beginning of the first "Star Wars" film, which appeared in 1977.
Many viewers recalled verbatim stories they had not read in decades.
It's an unsettling synthesis, if viewers recall that Pollock returned to representation after his breakthrough pure abstract mode was exhausted.
Other viewers recall the soul-easing spell cast by the simple lowering of a tree branch after a storm at sea, or the sight of mythic sirens dressed in flaming red.
Jack - the gayest man in America, who, as viewers will recall, married Karen's maid, Rosario, for green card reasons - is being asked for a divorce.
Indeed, during the period just after the sun set, the "image" hung so close for such a long time that afterward some viewers recalled being tempted to touch the piece of the sky.