If the network coverage gets too grim, viewers can always switch to the E!
They say viewers switched away from "Oprah" in their desire to see shows about sexual escapades, violence and drug abuse.
In some markets, ratings would be down because teams are bad and digital viewers are switching to better games.
Since viewers can switch their subjects whenever two characters meet, there are, in principle, several hundred thousand possible plays to see.
The intent was to begin the story on one show, then hope viewers would switch channels to watch the conclusion on another network.
There are moments in "Wiseguy" when viewers may not know whether to laugh or to switch to another channel.
Like tell viewers to switch over to a cable channel instead of late local newscasts.
The result has been an unusual period of sampling, he said, in which viewers have switched back and forth between shows far more often.
Ratings dropped after Sept. 11, as viewers switched to news, but have stabilized.
The main viewer switched to show the lovely blue-white sphere receding behind them.