In November, viewers in the Cleveland area witnessed one of the more notable sweeps stunts.
The hearings were compelling because viewers were witnessing a live, escalating, lurid drama.
Today, viewers witnessed a furious argument over a Government motion to give the chairman of a committee the power to suspend members if they did not accept rulings.
Saturday night, viewers witnessed a different, classier spectacle from Norway, land of wacky hats.
In a moment where Babe confides to JR about this, viewers again witnessed the couple's star-crossed theme.
As the film wears on, however, it becomes clear that the viewer is witnessing some form of domestic conflict and the intimacy that follows (or perhaps precedes) it.
As for the reality TV show, by the seventh episode of "The Nursery" viewers will have witnessed insect infestations, hail storms and hurricanes.
In the second episode of Caribbean's Next Top Model, viewers witnessed an unexpected twist as Rachel opted to leave the competition.
In this murkier war, viewers are mostly witnessing arching volleys of propaganda.
The lighting indicates that there are two protagonists, and two supporting cast in the scene that the viewer is witnessing.