Letter visibility and word recognition: The optimal viewing position in printed words.
Decide which side to 'face to London' for the best viewing position.
Saturn, like Mars, is now in an unusually good viewing position.
Having found the perfect viewing position, she stood there awhile, propping up her cycle.
Carefully backing out of his parking space, he circled the mall and chose what he hoped would be a better viewing position at a safe distance.
Anyone seeking a good viewing position, should visit www.tourdefrancelondon.com, which has maps, as well as information on race events.
The viewer can rotate the the television set from afar to bring it into the best viewing position.
Celine was not going to get the best viewing position, no matter what she did.
As encouraged, theatergoers arrived an hour before the scheduled start of the performance to insure a good viewing position.
The game features the ability to scroll, rotate, zoom and tilt the isometric viewing position to gain a better perspective.