Not one of them was on vigilant guard.
The garrison divisions with less vigilant guards simply had gaps in their ranks.
Even so, mistrustful, Susan sat in vigilant guard by the cot throughout every visit.
Judith pointed to a crack of blackness on the left, away from the vigilant guard.
He looked out of the window at the vigilant guards and sighed.
At a barely perceptible sign from Bruno, his brother drew apart, leaving their "white elephant" by himself, yet none the less under a vigilant guard.
In stores, one need only keep vigilant guard of one's wallet to ensure its security; not so online.
Those unseen but vigilant guards were still in place.
Without air supply, as in the Italian model, this naturally would be useless without vigilant guards above ground.
His best course was to return to the den, since the vigilant guard had already been there.