Errol is eventually forced to leave the department early due to his relentless interrogation of sexual offenders and occasional vigilante actions against them.
Let others fight over whether the war in Iraq was a neocon vigilante action disrupting diplomacy.
"The Council warned you against vigilante action," the tiger said heavily.
No significant publication or vigilante action against Thompson or Venables has occurred.
There was no reported vigilante action against members of religious minorities.
The war that took place was a kind of vigilante action that cannot be justified practically or morally.
On Friday, a Sinn Fein official said the organization was trying to use its influence to end the vigilante action.
This time, however, he and his colleagues determined that extra-legal vigilante action was not called for.
Man tracks her to where she'd passed out from the pain and takes her to his apartment to confront her about her vigilante actions.
Marshall, Thom, The town that killed a bully: Was it vigilante action?