He controlled death squads, vigilante gangs and vicious plainclothes police called attaches during the junta's three-year rule.
And other loads of ordinary people are forming vigilante gangs.
In 1763, a vigilante gang known as the Paxtang Boys massacred the Conestoga Indians being held there for their protection.
In addition to regular armies, the county was host to vigilante gangs that claimed to support each side in the conflict in order to justify pillage.
But investigators seeking the killers of Carmelo Rivera, a 35-year-old bodega owner who became the mistaken target of a vigilante gang last August, received their first real break this month.
In the unrest last Saturday, there were reports that vigilante gangs of Bangladeshis tried to chase down skinheads.
The men form a vigilante gang, targeting individuals who they determine to be a blight on society.
He was the leader of a vigilante gang that carried out a lynching of a reputed murderer in 1863.
Coggburn took great pleasure in deriding Kinney, pulling pranks and speaking out against the vigilante gang.
However, it is known based on news accounts in the Charleston Post and Courier, that a vigilante gang went to the Fishers' neighborhood in February 1819 to stop the purported 'gang activities' that were occurring there.