Mark was a vigorous opponent of the right to handgun ownership; he and Wolf had argued many times about the gun control laws.
At all these assemblies he showed himself a vigorous opponent of Semipelagianism.
He was a vigorous opponent of teetotalism, stating that "no writer has done much without alcohol".
Proteus had all along been picturing a more vigorous opponent.
In common with many players of the 1880s, he was a "tough and vigorous opponent who gave no quarter".
He found, to his surprise, a vigorous opponent in his mother.
He was a vigorous opponent of the attempt to introduce a railroad in the national park.
Clough was a vigorous opponent of the football identity card scheme.
But this does not impress boxing fans, who are the most vigorous opponents of extreme fighting.
Fitzwalter, however, remained a vigorous opponent of John's later measures.