He said this Government had taken vigorous steps to start proceedings against people accused of war crimes.
The conspiracy being made known to the authorities, they took vigorous steps to pre-empt it.
His companion was a lady, tall and erect, walking with a vigorous step which outpaced the gentleman beside her.
In December 1607 his troops occupied the city, and vigorous steps were taken to restore the supremacy of Catholicism.
We will combine these declaratory policies with vigorous steps to impose law and order on the streets of Baghdad.
The dancer puts his or her feet down, even during vigorous steps, with the balls of the feet touching the ground first.
Some scientists adopted a position at the other extreme, and agitated for more vigorous steps to be taken.
We got under way about the turn of noon, and pulled out for the summit again, with a fresh and vigorous step.
He stood up and came with silent, vigorous step to Arren, and taking the boy's hand made him rise.
Bowing, Kharas turned and walked from the hall, his step swifter and more vigorous than it had been when he arrived.