When I came, I found him three parts drunk and in a vile temper.
"Pol's got a vile temper when things don't go the way she wants them to go."
Quality and lineage could normally net a girl a good husband, unless she was ugly or had a vile temper.
Apparently the real Harden possessed a vile, volatile, unpredictable temper.
And I've no excuse to offer - except my own vile bad temper.
So this was what had put Leiter into such a vile temper!
The man has the vilest temper I've ever seen.
What better way to hurt Sara than to take his vile temper out on the sister she loved.
First, the boss was there himself, and in a vile temper.
He has a vile temper and the strength of an ox, and I'm taking no chances on his getting away.