The area is notable for its heavily wooded streets and substantial Victorian villas set in spacious gardens.
The area is completely residential (there are no shops, pub, or church) and most of the housing comprises very large, detached villas set in substantial grounds.
Handsome 18th-century villa set in ample park has 12 attractive rooms; $256 for double with every comfort.
There are 330 rooms in the Citadel, at the heart of the resort, plus 120 private villas set apart from the main buildings.
Bathing photos, a villa set amidst mimosa.
Ten luxurious and sympathetically built glass-and-stone villas, set on the edge of a rocky escarpment, looking across the plain.
An Italianate villa set in the grounds is also grade II listed.
Sans Souci was a dark red Victorian villa, set on the side of a hill with a good view over the sea from its upper windows.
As I approached the villa set against the hill, I heard, somewhere inside the house, a deep voice singing.
Walkways went out like spokes to a number of petite villas set on the bluffs.