Perhaps most popular are the village cafes.
Kostandis, the owner of the village cafe, is Apostle James.
The ride is worth the effort with the last downhill into Fox leading straight into one of the village cafes or bars.
On the tiny coral islands, there are no cultural relics, no historical sites, no village cafés and no local life.
The percentage was considerably less in rural areas, but even the most remote village cafe has a TV and video or DVD player.
Bikes go to the beach, to the village cafe, down rural lanes and along their assigned paths.
Give him a cigarette and a black turtleneck, and he could be reading poetry in a village cafe.
On to Malham Tarm, England's highest lake, before the return leg finds ice cream waiting in the village café.
And the ancient Provencal language, once routinely heard in village cafes, is now spoken only by old peasants and a handful of intellectuals.
Meanwhile, Mario falls in love with a beautiful young lady, Beatrice Russo, who works in her aunt's village cafe.