The village has a surface of 10,45 km2 and comprised 2175 inhabitants in 2001.
The village comprises 13 households with a population of 64.
In 1801, the village comprised 98 dwellings with a population of 321.
At that time, the village comprised about 100 houses, but surely it was built much earlier.
The village comprised a total area of 7,036 dunums in 1945.
The village comprises a post office, small shop, hotel, a primary school and a church.
In 1827 the village comprised 10 houses and contained 48 inhabitants.
The village itself comprises approximately 40 houses, some dating back to the 18th century.
The village comprises several farms and a small picturesque church.
The village comprises approximately 500 dwellings and has a population of just over 1,000.