Today the village, hidden off the main tourist routes, is a treasure trove for historians.
The parish church of the local Saint Ismael is outside the village, hidden in a small valley near the Haven.
All the snowmen live in a picturesque village hidden in the woods.
After the Revolution, two inhabitants of Buhl brought the altarpiece back to the village hidden in a load of fodder.
The new canoes were hastily finished, launched, tested, then tied up along the bank to the south of the village, hidden behind a screen of leaves.
We began our afternoon walk from Spyway, one of the many tiny villages hidden deep in the softly rolling hills of ancient Dorset.
Sometimes the village is referred to as "The village hidden in the leaf".
Excavation of the castro were begun in 1990 and there is still a large part of the village hidden under the soil that has not been studied yet.
The small village of Turuncova, hidden in small valley between Taurus Mountainsit will has preserve the traditional lifestyle and culture from many centuries ago.
To this end Geronimo, however safely he might consider his village hidden, kept scouts almost constantly in the field.