There was nothing in his voice of the young warrior, just the awe of a village lad.
He excelled in all kinds of roles: romantic, village lad, character.
She knew the village lads in the district and that there was nothing ever to be gained by trying to bully them.
And so the village lads sucked all those theories in as they would their mothers' milk.
The village lad from Parkul, was serious, obedient and hardworking.
I sent a village lad into Boston for this.
Gone for good now, he was willing to wager, would be the sailing trips with the village lads.
Your good man will catch him with the help of the village lads and the vicar.
He was just an unsophisticated village lad, knowing little, understanding less.
This dance is always performed to make amusement by village lads in procession at festivals.