Mai Njodzi Maturure: An elderly lady who was the village midwife till her death in 2005 at over 100 years old.
His grandfather's sister, who worked as the village midwife, is killed during the coup in which Idi Amin seized power in 1971.
She had also been apprenticed to the village midwife, and had naturally come into close contact with Kethry.
His mother, Magdeleine Cordelet was the village midwife.
I was taking the air this morning when I saw one of the village midwives hurrying along the creek road.
She found her mother, the village midwife, and the stork standing at the front.
The story begins with a girl, known simply as Brat, who is found in a dung heap by Jane, a village midwife.
She was apprenticed to a locally-famous bomoh and a traditional village midwife.
More often, however, rape victims obtained abortions from village midwives.
A village midwife assisted her, and after three days she was hoisted onto the back of a motorcycle and carried to this hospital.