It began as a small village of under 900 people, but in the early 1950s.
It is a village of 350 people and has three islands under its jurisdiction.
This village of 1,900 people is divided on the proposal.
It's a small village of either 97 people or 82, depending on which way you come into town.
But some said they understood what a difficult job he had, trying to pick out a few bad men from a village of 7,000 people.
In a village of 2,200 people, the mayor hears from just about everyone when something goes wrong.
It is a village of more than 500 households and 1000 people.
After 1936 he worked several years in a village of seven hundred people at a night school for adults.
Up to now they have been well looked after by the Pakistan government and established in villages of 50,000 to 60,000 people.
It was a very small village of fewer than 10 people at any time.