The village will pay the additional $5,000 cost of the report.
He suggests that if the village paid more, it would get better leadership.
The village would pay about $32,000 a year for the first five years to a special retirement fund.
The village has paid 20 percent of that sum, or $152,000.
Each village paid for one student to attend the school, in order to learn to teach upon returning and share their education.
So we can all see whether or not the village has paid the tax due!
The village, too, must pay for legal representation in the case.
"The village pays the town $220,000 a year for police service and I don't think we're getting our money's worth."
Therefore, best villages paid the same amount for half the number of farms than the average ones.
If a house is sold for less than the appraised value, the village will pay 80 percent of the difference.