Meanwhile, Hercules is attacked by the bandits again while he is at the village tavern.
The village inn was also the village tavern, the local magnet for as many work-weary souls as could pay the price of a drink.
The barrels in the village taverns were not the only danger.
They had listened to his oratory outside the village taverns and had heard men in high places speak of Citizen Talon as a good patriot.
Patrick Holt, the imaginative costume designer for the entire evening, made the cast resemble people gathered for a party at a village tavern or dance hall.
They question old women and buy drinks for the loafers in the village taverns.
Baerd killed the informer, strangling him two hours later as he walked along a country lane from his small farm towards the village tavern.
Lazar was in the village tavern he had taken over as his command post.
He soon gave up this position in order to conduct a village tavern that his brother-in-law bought for him.
Then there was the big-general store on the left and the Blue Whale, the village tavern, on the comer below it.