The two villages used to be under a single chief.
The village has a population of 1,300, and used to be a town in 1403-1869.
Most villages still use their original number series from 1770-1771.
The village green used to serve as a market place.
The village has a population of 1,100, and used to be a town from 1540 to 1819.
The village used to have a small primary school, which was closed in the late 1990s.
The village has a population of 1,400, and used to be a town from 1507 until 1870.
The village has a population of 318 and used to be a town from 1547 to 1869.
Years ago, the village used to have a school but it has now been closed.
The village has a population of 780, and used to be a town in 1498 - 1870.