The villagers fiercely debated but nobody could think of a way to deal with the monster.
Since the villagers thought she had worked in a restaurant and didn't know her past, they embraced her return.
"Dancing in the Dust" is worth seeing just to find out what the villagers think bananas are for.
Now there's a project that many villagers think is, well, ugly.
"The villagers think it is a great treasure or a holy relic."
Chang accepted at once, for no matter what the villagers thought, he was not simple.
The villagers will start getting nervous and maybe think that they really don't want to do things this way.
They told around the village that urgent business took them to live in the city, but the villagers thought they knew better.
"They say the villagers think the Borderlanders are camped for the winter."
However, since most everyone lived alike, villagers did not think of themselves as deprived.