A villager would work his own fields with his wife and those children who were old enough to help.
Pupils, students and villagers work together in order to achieve the year's goal.
The villagers worked primarily in agriculture, planting various types of grain, especially corn.
Village life in England is altered beyond all recognition from what it was a hundred years ago, when most villagers worked on the land.
Some villagers works in the rural state official and-center government services.
The villagers, who were Muslim, worked in agriculture and animal husbandry.
The villagers however, were predominantly Irish and worked at the paper mill on the nearby river cart.
The villagers worked mainly at farming and in the forest.
Five villagers worked at craft occupations besides working the land.
The population in 2001 was just over 300, a decline from a hundred years ago when many villagers worked on the land.