The course of events in London did not run so well as I had hoped, for the trial of the Moriarty gang left two of its most dangerous members, my own most vindictive enemies, at liberty.
The rest of the children had fled, as well, but not so far that they could not witness Elbryan's ultimate humiliation, as the badger, like some vindictive enemy, had waited at the base of Elbryan's tree, keeping the boy up in the branches for more than an hour.
Document after document - many obtained from Hoover's private office files under the Freedom of Information Act and undoubtedly through other sources - expose the late F.B.I. director as a blackmailer, empire builder, consummate politician and vindictive enemy of civil liberties.
Not that Morgan did not have powerful and vindictive enemies in the underworld: he had so many that it proved impossible to fasten the crime to any one of them.
He never destroyed a witch simply on the say-so of vindictive enemies.
If Mr Dombey in his insolence of wealth, had ever made an enemy, hard to appease and cruelly vindictive in his hate, even such an enemy might have received the pang that wrung his proud heart then, as compensation for his injury.
Nice work, Garrett thought But the only problem with nice work was that it embarrassed Romulans, and an embarrassed Romulan was a vindictive enemy.
It is inconceivable that this fellow could have made two such vindictive enemies as these appear to be without knowing of it.
By siding with Cayleb, I've sided against the Temple, and Clyntahn's a far more vindictive enemy than Cayleb could ever be.
When the Vicksburg garrison finally surrendered on July 4, 1863, many of the Sharpshooters escaped rather than risk surrender to a vindictive enemy they had sniped at so successfully for so long.