I feel there's a vindictive spirit, a mob mentality has taken over.
We act in no vindictive spirit, and we are no respecters of persons.
It's interesting to see the vindictive vote-chasing spirit of New Labour (which at one point wanted to use lie detectors on suspected benefit fraudsters) is still alive and kicking.
I readily recognize the vindictive spirit of Mr. Solis's response; I lived with that poison in my heart for many years.
"We wondered," Jupiter said, "if Mr. Terrill was the kind of man who would become a vindictive spirit, bent on haunting his former home to keep people out of it for ever."
The tendency to hate belongs to the race, not to the religion, or the Protestant would not exhibit the same vindictive spirit which marks his Catholic brother.
Probably the sentence will be quashed, after he has spent some four years in prison; but the matter is interesting as showing the savagely vindictive spirit which the Manila authorities display towards the army.
He found himself thinking in the same vindictive spirit of his father, although he would have been at a loss to explain the connection.
The few who talk about his vindictive spirit, while they really admire his heroism, have no test by which to detect a noble man, no amalgam to combine with his pure gold.
I pity the poor in bondage that have none to help them; that is why I am here; not to gratify any personal animosity, revenge, or vindictive spirit.