The vines can crawl for up to two metres, and it has yellow flowers.
Bushes, vines, creepers, and thorns crawled forth, snakelike, grasping the legs and waists of the raiders.
Women tended braziers from which small vines of smoke crawled upward.
Rank is the herbage on each slope, where evil vines and creeping plants crawl amidst the stones of ruined palaces, twining tightly about broken columns and strange monoliths, and heaving up marble pavements laid by forgotten hands.
No one out there on the porch where the vines crawled on the screens.
Two hundred years and more they have leaned or squatted there, while the vines have crawled and the trees have swelled and spread.
During the fall, a vine crawled its way to the top of the wall, where the blackness met a bit of color from the days when the building was in full use.
Although vines crawled in and out of the windows, the door and shutters were gone entirely, and there was a tree growing right through the roof, there were still walls and a good portion of the roof remaining, perhaps because the back of it had been built into the hill behind it.
A network of shocking pink vines had already covered much of the outer hull from stem to stern, and more vines were crawling into position, inching doggedly forward like lengths of animated intestine.