Everyone took a break in the oppressive silence, sitting next to or leaning against one of the many vine-covered walls.
Beyond the fires rose a vine-covered wall, still intact except for a few stones missing from the crest.
The dark thing, mostly hidden by one of the vine-covered walls, darted closer.
When the wizard started walking again, it stopped by a short, vine-covered wall, watching.
Richard marched down the path, past the short, vine-covered walls, and out onto the grass.
And he pointed to the end of the stable yard where stood a high, vine-covered wall.
Beyond the flowers grew small trees and then beyond them were short, stone, vine-covered walls.
Fiben asked once the dark, vine-covered wall of the prison was behind them.
Whole communities are nothing but heaps of rubble with a vine-covered wall or chimney still standing.
He can also climb up vine-covered walls, but has no special attack.